General Symptoms Of Depression

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Depression or a depressive disorder is characterized by a condition that affects a person’s body and moods. Depression is not the same as a mood swing, wherein a mood swing only lasts for a certain number of hours. Depression can last for a few weeks to a certain number of years, and without the proper treatment can lead to psychosis or suicide.

There are three main types of depressive disorders namely a major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder.

The symptoms of depression that is classified under major depression include the difficulty in being able to work, sleep, eat and enjoy daily activities.
Dysthymia, or chronic depression is a minor form of depression that lasts longer than a major depression, but does not deter someone from being able to eat, sleep, or work.

Signs of depression for both types of these conditions can include: feeling helpless, restless, guilty, difficulties in concentration, memory lapses and frequent irritability. In addition, lack of sleep or oversleeping, prolonged loneliness or sadness, suicidal tendencies, frequent exhaustion, decrease interest in sex and in activities that were once considered pleasurable are also commonly experienced.

The third type of depression is called a bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is experienced when extreme mood swings occur. A person can feel excessively elated at one point in time, and experiencing low self esteem moments later. Symptoms for bipolar disorder also include feeling irritated for no apparent reason, and insomnia. Individuals also become extremely talkative, have racing thoughts, high amounts of energy and an increase in sex drive. Symptoms of depression in this type can even cause a person to become overly ambitious, so that poor business decisions are made, and have embarrassing social attitudes.

Professional help should be sought at the soonest possible time if any of the above symptoms of depression are present in yourself or a loved one. This is especially recommended if the symptoms have existed for a number of weeks or longer. You can approach your family doctor, a mental health specialist, psychiatrist or a local health center to get more information on depression disorders, be diagnosed and seek treatment.

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