Video Conferencing Centers: An Overview

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Telephony )

Interest in setting up video conferencing centers and conducting web video conferencing sessions has been steadily increasing since the onslaught of terrorist attacks several years ago. Companies are now designing contingency plans on how to continuously conduct business even if they are not able to physically travel and attend to a client personally. Major airports are also investing in the setup video conferencing centers to further help executives and other customers with their business and personal needs.

However, interest in video conferencing after the onslaught of terrorist attacks have increased even when experts thought the interest in video conferencing services would significantly decline. This is because most corporations have realized the potential benefits of video conferencing services.

Video conferencing has not always been reliable. A lot of companies are more comfortable conducting face-to-face meetings with some of their most important clients rather than going to a video conferencing center to meet up with them remotely. Video conferencing a couple of years ago meant a lot of dropped connections, unclear and undistinguishable images and audio. But since more and more major telecommunication companies are investing in the research and development of this service, it has greatly improved.

No one really underestimates the value of a personal handshake between two companies. But due to heightened concerns regarding travel safety and travel costs, video conferencing is slowly getting popular. Video conferencing centers do not curtail the need for personal contact. On the other hand, it enhances it. Most people who have held sessions over video or audio conferencing are more inclined to meet up, have coffee and make small talk. This type of service actually helps establish customer relationships.

For a lot of companies, virtual communication makes more sense than just audio conferencing. Video conferencing centers enable companies with offices all over the world to connect people worldwide through video and audio at the same time. They are able to see and hear each other while making a presentation.

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