Ladybug Steam Cleaners for Clean, Allergy-free Carpets

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Entertainment )

If you have carpeting at home, you will want to keep it clean, beautiful and free of allergens. One way is to vacuum the carpet regularly, although this does not necessarily remove all the dirt. A tedious way is to shampoo the carpet, which cleans but does not remove dust mites, fleas, larvae and eggs from your carpet. Or you can also hire a professional carpet cleaner, though the cleaning agents they use may leave chemicals on your carpet.

A commercial steam cleaner leaves little or no chemical residue or mess on your carpet. The steam cleaner can also kill dust mites and other bugs, and will sanitize and remove odors. However, you will have to hire a commercial steam cleaner company to come and do the job for you, as the machines are heavy.

Ladybug steam cleaners are especially designed for the homeowner's use, and are as effective as commercial steam cleaners, but less tedious to use.

Features of the Ladybug Steam Cleaner

Ladybug steam cleaners can lift dirt and sanitize your carpet by means of a high-temperature but chemically-free steam. You don't have to stop for refills because the steam cleaner comes with a spare water tank. Ladybug steam cleaners heat up in only ten minutes and are also lightweight with finger-touch controls for less stress. With special attachments and accessories, the steam cleaner is able to clean small areas like corners and crevices that are otherwise hard to reach. The steam cleaner also degreases kitchen equipment, freshens drapes and upholstery, and shines glass and floor surfaces. You can even use it to defrost your refrigerator, do automotive detailing, and remove wrinkles from clothing.

However, the Ladybug steam cleaner elicits a strange noise while in use, which may annoy some users. The manufacturer claims that this is a normal characteristic. The steam cleaner is also expensive, and is about the same price as a personal computer. But it is worth every cent if used at least several times a week. It may also be difficult to use in the middle of summer heat. Finally, don't expect it to make a worn-out carpet look new again.

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