Young Living Oil Made Pure For Your Therapeutic Use

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Family )

Essential oils, the medium used in massage, can be therapeutic in their own right. You can use oils solely as lubricants for massage; however, you also utilize essential oils as the vehicle for the absorption of particular substances (selected for specific therapeutic properties) into the body.

Essential oils are the source of the scents or flavors of flowers, fruits and herbs. They have been extracted from plants and used for therapy for thousands of years, either as herbal medicines, inhalations or compresses. You extract pure oils from the leaves, flowers or seeds of plants.

If you use essential oils for therapeutic purposes you should be aware that as with any therapeutic substance that enters the body, dangers and side-effects may be present. You should therefore use only the purest essential oils for therapy.

Young living oil, produced from plants in the young living farm, is one of the most reliably pure essential oils. Young living essential oil samples are routinely sent for testing and assurance of compliance with global industry standards.

You can learn a special technique for using young living oil in therapy. The Young Living Essential Oils company has developed the raindrop technique for using essential oils in therapeutic practice. The technique requires the use of only pure, unadulterated therapeutic grade essential oils.

Since few brands of oils other than Young Living Oil can meet industry standards on purity, people tend to use young living essential oils in therapy. In raindrop technique, you use mostly oils from cypress (for circulation), oregano and thyme (for fighting viruses), basil (for muscle spasms), and peppermint (for inflammations).

It is not easy to get information on the effects of essential oils. One benefit of visiting young living com is that through them you can access the national botanical council data bank which contains comprehensive information on herbs and their medicinal properties.

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