Art Institute of New York Cooks Up Stimulating Art Courses

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Arts )

Among the thirty-four educational institutions in the art institutes system, you may possibly find the best training in the culinary arts at the Art Institute of New York City.

The Art Institute of New York City is built on the foundations of a former restaurant school. You can see that the vestiges of its past continue to the present day.

The art institute of New York stands on two locations. Although the art institute nyc has course offerings in six major disciplines, you will note that about half of its area is devoted to facilities for one discipline: culinary studies. The facility is divided into nine large kitchens.

These kitchens are outfitted with professional kitchen equipment, good enough for a commercial establishment. You will find convection ovens, equipment for broiling, mixing, and grilling with charcoal, refrigerators and freezers, and dishwashing units.

In these kitchens and in the lecture rooms, you will get intensive, hands-on training in culinary management (for which you will receive an associate degree), or restaurant management, culinary arts and pastry arts (for which you will get a certificate).

If you prefer other fields of study, you can work towards an associate degree in interior design, interactive media design, graphic design, fashion design or video production at the Art Institute of New York.

Your instructions will be at the Art Institute of New York's other location, two-and-a-half blocks away. Here you have your computer labs and drawing studios, plus an art gallery on the first floor.

You will not have difficulty getting field experience, whatever your course will be. The Art Institute of New York is located in one of the most vibrant districts of the city, which is considered a culinary melting pot and gives culinary students wide exposure. You're also within a short distance to art galleries and museums, which will stimulate your creative abilities.

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