The VOIP Service: The Future of Telecommunications

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Telephony )

The new voip service definitely brings with it the promise of a completely different level of communications technology. While most if this promise is still in voip white paper drafts, voip service is fast inching its way to the mainstream of the telecommunications market through experimental voip telephony. Though the voip service debut did not generate great controversy, voip service is definitely here to stay.

VOIP service rests on the potential of using ordinary or modified local area network or LAN cables to transmit voice, video and data streams. This may not sound so new to you as you’ve probably had some experience communicating through instant messaging software on your computer. However, the challenge for the voip service lies in making the existing technology apt for current and heavy commercial and industrial demands. To put it simply, existing voip equipment and voip routers in the market today still need a lot of work to make these economically feasible so that the voip service can be used in business applications like call center communications and such.

A few more years or even a few more months may see the voip service fully functional and capable of handling these demands. Imagine having to do away with landline telephones in the office and replacing them with a computer-based communications system where you can see and converse with the other party, share data, send files and integrate programs to give a presentation. Even at this early stage, you can surely begin to appreciate the huge difference the voip service will be able to provide in terms of communications quality.

Even with its potential not being fully realized, the advent of a fully functional voip service is being anticipated by major companies and major industries. As early as now, some key personnel are undergoing voip courses in anticipation of this new technology.

You too can hitch your cart to this rising star and ride the wave of the future of telecommunications.

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