Corrective Surgery: The Different Types

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Beauty )

There are a number of corrective surgery functions and techniques depending on the problem you have. Some of the more common corrective surgery is oral and facial surgery. For oral surgery, these would include general extractions, dental implants, TMJ surgery, bone graft for the jaw and sleep apnea surgery among others. For facial surgery, these would include facial trauma and reconstruction, scar revision and keloid removal surgery.

Corrective surgery may also be recommended for those people who are suffering from congenital dislocations or curvature of bones. These kinds of operations are usually performed by an orthopaedic surgeon.

Corrective eye surgery, on the other hand also has several types. Corrective surgery for eyes can be for improving refractive errors. Laser corrective eye surgery or LASIK surgery is for correcting nearsightedness. By reshaping your cornea using a laser, then your vision can be improved. Just make sure that if you are planning to get corrective eye surgery that you do not have dry eyes. This condition may worsen after laser corrective eye surgery. There is only some slight discomfort that will be experienced during surgery, but there is no pain involved in the operation.

Laser corrective eye surgery is also quite expensive and is not covered by most insurance plans. Make sure that you undergo an evaluation with a qualified eye doctor before eye surgery. You may even experience some blurriness after the operation, but this will normalize after a few days. Some people may still need to wear glasses even after corrective eye surgery. Since this is normally done as an outpatient procedure, you can usually go back to your regular routine the following day.

Any corrective surgery you choose to get should be done by a qualified surgeon. This minimizes any post-surgery risks that you can encounter and ensures that the right procedure is done on you.

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