Laser Hair Removal New York: It Takes Heat to Be Cool

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Beauty )

Hair removal in New York is simple. After all, there are a lot of ways to remove unwanted hair. There are waxing products and shaving, as well as clinical procedures such as electrolysis. However nothing lasts as long (and with so short a procedure) as laser hair removal New York.

The Process

Laser hair removal New York is a clinical procedure called photothermolysis. This is a selective process that targets your hair and not your skin. It comes from two words: “photo,” which means “light,” and “thermolysis,” which alludes to the destruction of heat. Photothermolysis then uses light or a laser to destroy the hair and to leave the surrounding skin cool.

Laser Versus Electrolysis

Laser hair removal New York is different from electrolysis. Electrolysis uses electric current to destroy all your hair permanently, whereas laser hair removal New York uses a laser to destroy only the hairs in an active growth phase. Laser hair removal targets the melanin in your hair. This means that only your visible dark hairs will be removed.

Are You a Candidate?

Because laser hair removal New York only targets the melanin found in your dark hair, it is an ideal procedure for people with dark hair and light skin. This is so because dark hair against light skin is more visible than dark hair against dark skin or any other combination. If you’ve just had a suntan or if you have naturally dark skin, you might be at a risk of discoloration.

New Technology

New laser technology, however, has made it possible for anyone to undergo laser hair removal. Newer lasers are designed to ignore your skin melanin. This means that even if you are not an ideal candidate, you may still undergo laser hair removal, provided that you go to a consultation.

Undergoing Treatment

When you undergo laser hair removal, it is important to remember precautions. You must make sure that you have not had a suntan or sunburn, or you have not waxed or plucked your unwanted hair in a span of six months.

The treatment is not painful, but it may cause some discomfort. The discomfort feels like a hot rubber band being slapped onto your skin. Afterwards, it may feel a little like sunburn.

It is normal to have redness and bumps after the treatment. Your hair falls out in a span of three weeks. You should then protect your skin with an SPF lotion.

Multiple Treatments

For good results, you must undergo at least three treatments. Your number of treatments also depends upon your pre-laser hair-removal habits. You may need more when you wax or pluck your hair. For most people, more than six treatments are not necessary.

Laser It Away

Laser hair removal New York does not take more than an hour per treatment. And, with results that last a long time, it is no wonder that a little heat could go a long way.

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