How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Family )

If you are like most parents, you would want to know how to choose the sex of your baby. Knowing how to choose the sex of your baby enables you to plan and control the size of your family. Successful family planning can help ensure a brighter future for you and your children.

Fortunately, recent advances in medicine and technology have made it possible for you to plan the size of your family and genders of your children. There are several methods available depending on your budget, and with varying degrees of effectiveness.

How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby the Expensive Way

If you have the money for it, a fertility clinic can help you determine your baby's gender. This is done through artificial insemination, by extracting seminal fluid from the male parent and isolating the male sperm cells from female sperm cells. Then the male sperm cells are implanted into the woman's womb.

However, this method is quite expensive as it runs to tens of thousands of dollars per treatment. In most cases, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements, particularly the inability to conceive under normal intercourse. You may also choose not only your baby's gender, but also how many children you would like to conceive in one pregnancy.

How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby the Less Expensive Way

There are several ways under this category. One of the most inexpensive but not proven ways is to go to online sites or buy books on the topic. Experts say that many factors can help determine whether you will have a boy or a girl. The stage of the woman's ovulation period, the time of conception, what you ate or drank before sexual contact, sexual position, and even room or body temperature can affect the entry of sperm and the resulting conception.

According to many doctors, a very reliable way is for the woman to take her basal body temperature at the same time each morning. Any slight change in body temperature that lasts for at least several days indicates the most fertile state, and therefore it will be the best opportunity to have sexual contact and conceive a male baby. Sexual intercourse during all other days of the ovulation cycle will most likely result in conceiving a female baby. Basal body temperature is also fairly reliable for birth control purposes.

Whatever method you choose, you should realize that nothing is ever foolproof, except artificial or in vitro fertilization. Unless you can afford this method, it is best for you and your spouse to consult a doctor who can give you pointers on how to choose the sex of your baby.

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