Donate to charity: why and how

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Charity )

Charity is all about giving of yourself, to help others in need. Whether it is to the local orphanage, a homeless shelter, the Red Cross or donating to katrina victims, donating to charity works both ways. It is beneficial to the recipient and rewarding for the giver. Most give out of the goodness of their hearts, others want to avoid tax burdens, still some donate to charity for show or to maintain a certain social standing or even to fit in. Whatever reason you donate to charity, knowing how to donate and where to donate are important.

There are millions of charities out there all supporting good causes. The first step is finding out which among these causes or charities you want to help. This requires a little work and discretion on your part. Most people know specific institutions in need of support such as the local school, hospital or church. When donating to charity, you get greater satisfaction when you support a cause that is close to your heart or with a mission you personally believe in.

After identifying a charity of your choice, verify whether that charity is legitimate. Most legitimate charities provide information on their members, their mission, vision and how your donation will be used. Next determine what you want to donate or how to donate – this could be property, in-kind products, food, your time or money. Then inform the charity what you will donate and where you would like your donation to go. This is important information because if you donate to katrina victims, donations will be used for a range of purposes from rebuilding homes, starting new livelihoods, household goods to relief supplies. You also need to know where to donate either by phone, mail, on-line or authorized donation centers. Some charities are even willing to pick-up your donation. Ask for a receipt that details your donation and follow through on the progress of your charity.

When you have completed the process, you will be glad to have shared a little of yourself. When you donate to charity, you give to a cause greater than yourself.

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