Artificial Lawns - The Low Maintenance Alternative

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Garden )

They are also known as fake lawns, synthetic lawns, replicated grass and artificial turf grass. This new revolutionary alternative to natural grass or lawns has become increasingly popular with many homeowners as well as public places.

Artificial lawns look and feel like the real thing. They are cut and charged by square foot so that they are easy to fit into any area. They come with interlocking pins so that they are easily installed over any solid surface. Sections are joined together with special tape, and can be bonded onto concrete or wooden floors, just like carpets. Most artificial lawns have infilled rubber in a variety of thicknesses. They are tough, resilient, slip-resistant and have waterproof porous surfaces for easy drainage after washing. You can choose from a wide variety of styles, colors and infill options.

Uses of Artificial Lawns

Because they feel and look like real grass, artificial lawns can be used the same way as their natural counterparts.

Many athletic fields and stadiums have adapted synthetic grass as an effective substitute for real grass. They are generally safer because of added resiliency from the infilled rubber.

The infilled rubber is most useful in playgrounds where children's safety and security matter most, and helps to soften the impact of falling down, especially from play equipment.

Artificial turfs are also great as pet runs. They are easy to clean because pet wastes and urine soak into the infills and wash out the bottom. They are perfect for dogs who suffer from tender paws because of the resiliency.

Golfers can benefit from artificial grass, which can be installed indoors and used for putting practice. Such facilities can be found in top class golfing schools.

In fact, you can install artificial lawns in just about any part of your home, such as your veranda, conservatory, nursery, or backyard pool area.

Pros and Cons of Artificial Lawns

The advantages of installing artificial lawns are numerous. Synthetic lawns need not be watered, mowed, weeded or fertilized. You don't have to worry about your lawn in all types of weather.

Artificial grass is easy to clean because of the superior drainage system. The grass will not stain from pet wastes, and there will be no discolorations or odorous spots.

If you have a backyard pool, you don't have to worry about mud and grass debris falling into your pool or filter.

Best of all, your children and pets won't track mud and grass stains into the house after playing in a synthetic lawn.

About the only setback is the high cost per square foot. If the size of a garden lawn is about an acre, the cost of installing artificial lawns would be about triple the cost of your home. Even a small area can run into tens of thousands of dollars.

Thus, installing artificial lawns should be regarded more as an investment rather than as an expense. The rewards will come later in terms of saving water, gardening and cleaning bills.

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