Applying for Fiance Visas in the US

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Family )

The Department of Homeland Security’s, US citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has a number of conditions in order for one to qualify for fiance visas.

Generally speaking, the couple must have known each other for at least two years. Exceptions are made when customs and traditions forbid this.

A petition must be filed with the USCIS. When the petition is approved, it is sent to the National Visa Center for processing. Then, notice is sent to the local US Embassy, consulate or US immigration office in the country of your fiance. An original copy of the approval notice is sent to the US citizen for them to in turn send to their fiance abroad along with a copy of the petition and other documentation submitted.

Once the documents are received by the fiance abroad, documents are submitted to the local US embassy, consulate or local US immigration office. There are processing fees involved and certain documentation on the fiance’s end that need to be submitted before fiance visas can be granted. Supporting documentation should be submitted in the original form; no xerox copies will be accepted.

If the fiance has a child from another marriage, they will automatically receive a derivative K 2 dependent’s visa for as long as they are declared in the K 1 fiance visa application. If no declaration is made, you will have to start the process over by applying for a petition on the child in the similar process as a K 1 fiance visa application.

As fiance visas fall under the category of an immigrant visa, amongst the requirements aside from the routine medical exam, are some vaccinations depending on the age of the applicant. A medical certification should be issued and presented at the time of adjusting the visa status.

After receipt of fiancee visas, the applicant has 90 days to get married. There are specific procedures that must be followed and more information on this can be obtained from the US port of entry.

After the marriage, the immigrant spouse needs to register as a Permanent Resident to adjust their status; the vaccination certification needs to be submitted in this process. Registration is to be done in the local USCIS office where the immigrant will reside. An affidavit of support needs to be submitted by the US citizen spouse.

A K 1 fiance visa holder may seek employment provided they get an employment authorization from the local USCIS office.

It is important that the immigrant apply a Social Security Number card before the fiance arrives. The Social Security number is an important requisite and is needed when identification is requested in institutions such as banks, opening a bank account and the like. Since it takes quite sometime before a Social Security Number is given, it is strongly recommended that application be made prior to the fiance’s arrival to avoid inconveniences.

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