PEST BIRDS: Driving Them Away

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Family )

Birds in general are considered harmless creatures. However, the growth of commercial and industrial sectors has seen a rise in bird-related problems.

One of the most common problems with pest birds is fouling of buildings. Droppings of pest birds can block pipes and gutters, which can greatly damage buildings if not remedied accordingly.

Some bakeries and supermarkets also have problems with sparrows flying into the shops to eat breadcrumbs and other goods and foul other products at the same time. Pest birds that nest in the structures also tend to leave droppings all over the place. Bird nests can also invite bird mites, fleas, beetles, and other insects.

Pest birds have also become a major problem in airports where they flock along the runway. The birds often get sucked into the jet intakes or hit the cockpit glass.

Bird pest problems gave rise to a number of bird control measures – bird repellents, netting, shooting, and narcotics.

Some bird repellents are made of sealants or polymer that doesn’t set. These are applied along the ledges where birds tend to perch on. The birds feel insecure with the compound under their feet and fly off again.

On the other hand, some bird pest repellents feature distress cries using microchips. The distress cries are perceived as danger by the birds causing them to become agitated and disoriented. They flee the area thinking their flock mates are in trouble. The sounds emitted use random patterns so that birds do not get used to it.

Other products use ultrasonic sound waves to drive off pest birds. The sound waves emitted are above the human hearing range and do not harm the birds.

Choosing the right kind of bird control depends on the point of application and the kind of bird pest. Some homes use visual repellents to scare birds away from balconies, pools, and lawns. Visual repellents are very effective and much more economical than other pest bird control products.

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