MIGRAINE MEDICINE: The latest cure to an ancient illness.

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Headache Medicines range from cheap to expensive, depending on a lot of factors: how quickly do they relieve a patient from pain, how it affects the patient’s general condition, how it’s sold and distributed, etc. These headache medicines, or specifically, migraine medicines have been made available to primarily treat the intense, throbbing headaches.

Migraine meds are continually developed and improved. Some come in the form of tablets, capsules, and syrups. While new innovations include sublingual liquids which contain chemical substances proven to provide relief to migraine sufferers within minutes! If you simply can’t take the pain anymore, these new migraine medicines might be for you. These sublingual liquids (or sprays) are absorbed by the mucous membrane and sent directly to the bloodstream. This process gets rid of the possibility of degrading the liver.

Other migraine medicines work by the process of vasoconstriction or the narrowing of veins that take care of blood supply to the head. By vasoconstriction, a vascular headache is treated. Migraine and cluster headache sufferers are relieved from pain. However, these are not necessarily migraine prevention medicines. They merely treat the already existing headache. They are do not prevent, they only give relief.

The migraine medicines available at your local stores usually come in with taglines of “fast relief” and “no side effects.” You might find this appealing but you should be warned that medical doctors are against these over-the-counter migraine meds. According to studies, people who take over-the-counter migraine medicines become addicted to these medicines. And instead of treating the migraine, doctors will then be forced to treat the addiction first. So if you’re a migraine sufferer, don’t be fooled by over-the-counter migraine meds. Be sure to consult your doctor and ask which specific migraine medicine is right for you.

Your migraine should be more than enough. You shouldn’t have to get headaches over ineffective drugs too.

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