Migraine Treatments

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

A migraine is a type of headache normally felt on one or both sides of the head. The center of the pain is usually felt around the temple behind one eye or ear. Nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound are accompanied by the migraine. A migraine usually lasts anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

No one really knows the exact cause of a migraine, but it can be triggered by a number of factors such as stress, overexposure to glaring lights, high consumption of alcohol and certain foods, the weather, or irregular sleep patterns (too much or too little sleep).

There are many forms of migraines:

A classic migraine occurs when a person experiences a visual disturbance called an aura, before the onset of the migraine. Most auras come in the form of zigzag patterns, wavy lines, hallucinations or bright shimmering lights. Some even experience a white spot in their field of vision or a temporary loss of vision.

A basilar artery migraine is a rare form of migraine, which has the same signs, and symptoms of a classic migraine. Instead of the head, this migraine affects a part of the brain called the basilar artery. People often complain of difficulty in talking, walking or using their motor skills. Some experience hallucinations, have difficulty in hearing or get disoriented.

When someone feels a dull, aching or piercing pain in the neck or jaw, they have what is called a carotidynia migraine.

A status migraine involves severe pain that last for three days.

No headache is felt in a headache-free migraine; however, an aura is experienced.

Migraine treatment can be sought through a number of ways. Immediate migraine headache relief can be given to a sufferer by asking them to take a hot or cold shower on the head, be given a warm bath and/or letting them sleep in a dark and quiet room until the sickness disappears.

Certain migraine drugs can be prescribed for those that suffer recurring migraines. The first line of treatment by physicians is to prescribe over the counter medication in the form of painkillers. If there is no relief from taking these, stronger medication is given in the form of acetaminophen, butalbiltal or acetylsalicylic acid, accompanied by caffeine.

An injection may be given for those suffering from severe vomiting or when vomiting is the dominating factor in the occurrence of a migraine.

As there is no direct cure for migraines, consultation with a physician is recommended. Be sure to inform the physician of the frequency, the occurrence and the severity of your migraines.

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