
2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Technology )

Clocking is the process of accurately recording the start and end of a person's workday. It is used to compute the amount of hours worked in a span of time so that corresponding wages may be paid.

Clocking Systems
Clocking systems refer to machinery and instruments that are specifically designed for clocking purposes. These are machines that usually recognize a clocking sheet and places distinct marks that indicate an employee's time of entrance and exit from work. A clocking machine and a set of time cards are usually the basic items included in clocking systems. An efficient clocking system is necessary to properly track the work hours attributable to employees. There have been many instances where tampering has led to overpayment of an employee. This is prevented by clocking systems which use unique markings. Some clocking systems even do away with time cards and record the information in a central clocking system, reducing the risk of tampering.

Clocking In and Out
When an employee enters his place of work, he usually clocks in, by bringing his time sheet and placing it into the slot provided by the machine. The machine will stamp the sheet with a mark indicating the specific time. Clocking in and out without fail is important for employees because it proves without doubt that they were in their place of work. The limitation of clocking is, of course, that it will not reflect productivity; it only proves presence.

High Tech Clocking Systems
Some digital clocking systems use cards that can be swiped through a machine. These are useful because they are less susceptible to manual tampering. Some clocking systems do not even need a set of time cards because the information required is stored in the system. Some of these special instruments can even be programmed to recognize the unique size and shape of an employee’s hand so that no other identification will be needed.

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