SHREDDING: Document Destruction Made Easy

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Garden )

Long gone are the days when you have to manually destroy tons and tons of papers. Today, the most advanced technologies of paper shredding are yours for the taking. Shredding becomes an easily-accessible service for various offices and institutions. Whether it be through your own paper shredding machine or through a company shredding service, the task of shredding is easier for you and for your company these days.

Among today’s leading paper shredding devices are those from Fellowes. Fellowes paper shredders range from light to heavy duty shredding. For a very affordable price, these light-duty paper shredders will give you your money’s worth. When it comes to the shredding service, these wonderful machines bring forth excellence. Not only do these shredding machines give you the same quality performance, they also give you the option show off some style. You can even choose the color for your Fellowes paper shredder! The usual colors available are metallic silver and graphite. These paper shredders will cut those bulky documents into confetti for you, in less time and with less hassle!

The document shredding service offered today seems to be more of a general term than an encompassing function. Why? Because it is not just documents, and paper for that matter, that are now capable of being destroyed through shredding.

From cheques to lottery tickets, non-document paper shredding is now a possibility. You can destroy cardboards, playing cards, CDs and DVDs, x-rays, videotapes and cassette tapes, casino chips, product samples, and prototypes.

Another growing trend in shredding is the acquisition of mobile paper shredding. Although termed mobile, the shredding service offered will, of course, still be done on your site. You can monitor the shredding and direct how it is to be done. Your clients and your business information will be clouded in confidentiality as your documents are shred. These mobile paper shredding services are commonly offered to both commercial and residential institutions.

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