Beautiful Lawns Increase Property Values But Not Taxes

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Garden )

It is said, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This may be especially true when it comes to your lawn. After all, it’s the first thing people see when they walk up to your house.

Lush, green, healthy and beautiful lawns provide the perfect backdrops for flowers, shrubs, and other landscape features. Beautiful lawns make your house look like a masterpiece: safe, picturesque, and valuable.

If you're thinking of selling your home, there's nothing like gorgeous green grass to capture buying interest. Beautiful lawns say that the owner not only lovingly works on his yard but also takes special care of the inside of his home. Realtors call this qualitative perception as curb appeal.

There may be a hidden bonus. Beautiful lawns raise your property values without increasing your property tax. When calculating how much you’ll owe in taxes, assessors will count physical improvements like a new bedroom, a garage, or a deck, but they omit the landscaping amenities.

It must be admitted that there are those who disapprove of lawns. They complain of environmental costs. Lawn mowers burn gasoline; lawn care irrigation consumes water and depletes aquifers; excessive fertilizer and herbicide runoffs clog water supplies.

Making lawns lush and green does consume water. In areas with scarce water, it may make more sense to install artificial lawns. You not only reduce water bills but you also save the time you spend maintaining your lawn when you have synthetic lawns in your garden.

If you want to keep your lawn growing but need to limit the time you devote to maintaining it, you should try to find a more appropriate application rate for fertilizer and water. Beautiful lawns do not have to be perfect lawns; you may still have a pleasant-looking lawn even if you cut back on some maintenance activities.

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