Bartending Schools

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Careers )

The history of bartending dates back to thousands of years when it was just an occupation of producing and selling liquor. Today, bartending has evolved into a professional career of mixing and serving drinks.

Becoming a successful bartender these days does not only require the knowledge of making drinks. The professional bartender must know the laws of alcohol management and service. A professional bartender must get certification on Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS) and Techniques in Alcohol Management(TAM); this certification is required by most states before one can work as a bartender.

A typical bartender can earn up to a six-figure salary in a year, if they are properly -educated and certified. Most bartending schools are very affordable and some offer course completion in as fast as two weeks.

Some very well known bartending schools in the US include the San Diego Bartending School, Boston Bartenders’ School and the New York Bartending School. It is not necessary that you travel to these states to attend these schools. Numerous bartending schools are located elsewhere in the United States. Some even offer online courses, though this is strongly discouraged as learning to bartend is totally hands-on. Teachers must be able to taste your drinks as well as observe how you mix your drinks.

If you are interested in attending a bartending school, it is advised that you follow the advice below:

Research and compare different bartending schools through the Internet or local phone book or even the newspaper

Try to ask if you can sit in on a typical class that is conducted to see how classes are run; talk to instructors and students to get some feedback

Check the course outline

A bartending school normally conducts a speed test in drink preparation. See how many drinks they are required to prepare to pass the final exam (10 drinks in 7 minutes is slow)

Can the school provide you with job placement assistance upon graduation? Do they have an online placement site, which is updated regularly, if not daily?

Do they teach you job hunting skills such as resume preparation and interviewing skills?

Is the school licensed by the state?

It also helps to find out the credentials that instructors have; if they are well chosen, they should be known in the bartending industry. Do the instructors have any bartending experience?

Ask to see the drink manual and check whether the copyright on the manual is fairly recent. Different drinks are developed from time to time and it is important that you are learning the preparation of the latest drinks

Does the school have a POS/micros touch screen register system and a beer tap/keg system?

Can students retake the course anytime, should they not pass the first time?

Is the alcohol awareness program included in the curriculum such as TIPS and TAM?

Is the school reputable with branches in other states?

The bartending school you finally choose should cover the above concerns in order for it to be a good school.

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