Guidelines On California Truck Accidents

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Automobiles )

California truck accidents are usually caused by a combination of different factors, which can include the improper use of a truck’s breaks or acceleration, poor visibility, or poor vehicle maintenance. Overloading the truck beyond its allowed capacity, and trucks operated by tired and sleepy drivers can also contribute to a truck accident. There are higher chances that a truck accident can occur if a driver has an aggressive driving attitude, or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Truck accident laws differ from other vehicle accident laws because trucks are larger vehicles, and provide higher chances of bringing serious injury to a person. It is for this reason that any violations of truck laws can lead to prosecution.

Anyone who is at fault with trucking accidents whether it is a person or a company can be sued for causing the accident. These can include drivers, trailer owners, shippers, vehicle manufacturers, or anyone else that contributed to the cause of a California truck accident.

With truck accident cases, a plaintiff can claim for medical expenses, lost wages and any pain and suffering experienced.

California laws require that truck owners and companies purchase truck insurance for a minimum amount of coverage, so that injury claims can be covered in the event of an accident. Many people who drive trucks are affiliated with a local trucking association, which provides insurance coverage to cover any injuries that are sustained by the driver.

Because of the large amount of money involved in California truck accidents, truck companies and insurance firms will immediately be on the scene of a truck accident, as they will find all means possible to protect themselves against a lawsuit. It is for this reason that you must also contact your truck accident attorney and insurance company to inform them of the incident, so you can protect yourself, and the accident evidence especially when you are at fault. It is important to remember that when truck accidents happen you should not release any information or statements to the other parties, as this may be taken against you when a trial or lawsuit happens. You should only release any statements to your truck accident attorney.

California truck accident cases for personal injuries must be filed within one year of the accident occurrence; unless, the case involves a public entity, in which case, you are only given within six months to file your case.

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