Bachelors Degree Programs

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Education )

What is a Bachelors Degree?

Beyond your high school years, you go through an additional schooling of about three to six years to earn a bachelors degree.

While most people stop schooling when they have earned their bachelors degree, there may be some who pursue further studies in the graduate and post-graduate levels.

A bachelors degree or college degree indicates what you have taken up in college in preparation for a career. For instance, a college degree in engineering means that you have acquired all the knowledge and skills needed to become an engineer.

For some professions, you will need to pass written examinations aside from just earning a bachelors degree before you can practice your profession.

Types of Bachelors Degrees

The two biggest groups of bachelors degrees are Bachelor of Arts or BA for short, and Bachelor of Science or BS. Bachelor of Arts degrees center more on liberal arts such as humanities or communication, while Bachelor of Science degrees emphasize the scientific, technological, medical and mathematical fields.

Aside from these two major groups, there are also bachelors degree programs in law, music and fine arts which do not use BA or BS as part of the title. Instead, they are called Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Music and Bachelor or Fine Arts.

Bachelors degree programs have varying lengths of completion depending on the major or area of specialty and course requirements. Bachelors degree programs can take anywhere from 3 years for a history major, or as long as 6 years for a law degree, and usually includes a practicum or thesis requirement before you can graduate.

Enrolling in Bachelors Degree Programs

Before you can enroll in any bachelors degree program, you need to present your high school diploma and SAT scores. You apply for admission to specific colleges and universities of your choice, then take and pass a national standardized test called the Scholastic Aptitude Test or SAT during the last two years of your high school. You can also indicate what school you are applying for in your SAT registration form, so that your test results can reach your targeted schools and they can already notify you regarding acceptance or rejection.

There are now accredited online degree programs available, where you can apply by just filling out the online form. With today's technology, the online school can already gain direct access to your high school records and SAT scores. The schools will notify you of acceptance or rejection.

Value of a Bachelors Degree

Finishing a bachelors degree program is an investment in itself. You have to spend a great deal of money, time and effort just to earn a college degree.

But getting a bachelors degree is worth all your trouble. Your degree is your door to countless career opportunities that will otherwise be unavailable if you had finished only high school.

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