Trucking Accidents: Approach with Caution

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Automobiles )


Trucking accidents are one of the most devastating types of vehicular accidents. The sheer size and weight of trucks creates very powerful shearing forces upon impact. These forces can bring about terrible injuries or death to passengers inside the truck, passengers on the other vehicle involved in the accident, and to pedestrians.

According to research there are several factors that can contribute to a truck accident. Some of these are the following: the size and length of the truck makes it difficult for drivers to see blind spots, particularly on the rear side; truck drivers usually drive for long hours, without any rest because they are in a rush to beat their deadline - this lack of sleep and fatigue compromises their reflexes and lessens reaction time; and excessive cargo increases the weight of the truck making it less maneuverable.

All of these things increase the possibility of trucking accidents. However, they are not the only risk factors. Of course it goes without saying that mechanical troubles, reckless driving can increase the risk of accidents regardless of what type of vehicle you are driving.


Because trucking accidents often bring about harm to individiuals, some form of settlement must be made by the liable party to pay for damages. If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, do not rush into entering a settlement agreement with the responsible party. Make sure you have a truck accident attorney on your side to represent you and give you proper legal advice.

Some trucking companies are only too eager to resolve the truck accident case immediately by offering you a cash settlement on the onset of trucking accidents. Resist the temptation unless you are sure that you are getting your just dues – you deserve no less than that.

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