Kaiser Medical Insurance - Permanently There for Your Health

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Insurance )

Background of Kaiser Permanente Medical Insurance

Kaiser Permanente was established more than 70 years ago to provide health care services for its own industrial companies, but later opened for public enrollment in 1945. Since then it has become the leading healthcare provider operating mainly in California and in 6 other regions of the country.

Kaiser has over four hundred medical offices and thirty hospitals throughout the regions. Each hospital has full-service facilities to provide for every medical need. All hospitals and offices have their own in-house staff of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. Since the physicians and other medical staff are under the payroll of Kaiser Permanente, they have been carefully screened to ensure that they meet the highest quality standards of medical practice. Kaiser physicians also receive additional compensation for board certification, continuing professional education, and exemplary achievements.

Currently, there are about eight million Kaiser medical insurance members in nine states.

Membership Benefits

Practically any employer who offers healthcare insurance to its employees would most probably have Kaiser medical insurance as one of the options. This is primarily because Kaiser has the cheapest enrollment rates of any medical services provider. A major factor for low enrollment fees is that Kaiser employs its own medical staff so that it does not have to pay extra costs for being part of networks unlike most medical insurance providers.

If you are enrolled in Kaiser medical insurance and need medical help, you just call and make an appointment with any Kaiser medical office or hospital. Then you go directly to that medical office or hospital. While your Kaiser membership card is honored at any Kaiser facility, you are encouraged to choose your Kaiser physician and maintain your records at the branch that is most convenient for you. You and your Kaiser physician jointly make any decisions regarding your health. Each Kaiser medical facility already has its own pharmacy, so you can already acquire your medical prescription directly instead of having to go elsewhere.

And since Kaiser medical facilities also have specialists, your Kaiser physician can easily refer you to a specialist right at the same location.

Kaiser also offers free classes and seminars to members on well-baby care, proper nutrition, and other healthcare topics.

How to Become a Member

If you're employed, you can easily enroll in Kaiser medical insurance through your company. You can also buy membership through medical insurance brokers if you are self-employed or if your employer does not offer medical insurance packages.

You can also inquire through Kaiser Permanente's own website which is available to all parties, and directly apply for membership. You should be able to receive your membership card in the mail within a few days after enrolling.

Once installed as a member, you will be furnished a list of the Kaiser medical facilities and can already start availing of healthcare benefits.

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