The Significance Of Maintaining A Secure Online Backup

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Computers )

Computer data loss can be a frustrating experience. Not only is it expensive to try to recover the data, but can also cause the potential loss of clients, therefore causing a financial deficit. A secure online backup is therefore necessary to prevent these factors from occurring, as well to protect the company’s computer system against any computer viruses that enter your computer's infrastructure. Using secure online data backup also helps maintain your bandwidth size to a certain level.

Using secure online backup can provide you with two types of secure online backup procedures. A full backup will save all of your computer data each time you schedule a backup, or when an automatic backup is performed. A gradual or incremental backup will only save the files that you choose, as well as keep different variations of the same file. You can also choose different types of file compression: high compression will allow your company to save more data online, and a low compression can be used when there is still a large amount of allocated memory space remaining.

A secure online service will include the cost of security encryption, so that the outside parties are not able to obtain access to your computer’s highly confidential files. In order to be able to do this, some online backup services provide code names for the data that is backed up, to protect other parties from discovering what files you have saved, but at the same time make the file names recognizable so that the company is able to identify the file names.

Hiring an online backup service can be quite expensive; however, you should keep in mind that having no external backup at all is even more financially devastating experience. Because of the high cost involved in securing online backup solutions, it is worthwhile to shop around and make a comparison on the different online backup services that are available in the market. You should not only make cost the deciding factor, but you should also consider the services that it includes such as file sharing, and free trial, so you can determine whether a company’s services fits your organization’s needs.

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