Travel Insurance For Backpackers – Check The Basics

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Insurance )

When you go backpacking, you visit areas of the world which the average tourist does not usually visit. If you’re young, you may engage in activities that can expose you to particular health risks and for which you may need additional advice, vaccinations, equipment, first-aid medications. Just as important, you will need annual travel insurance for extended periods of travel.

It is important for you to obtain travel insurance for backpackers before you leave. If you have just completed your studies and want a long vacation abroad, purchase at least some gap year travel insurance. You may have some difficulty obtaining travel insurance for backpackers from traditional travel insurers; you may find it necessary to contact a specialist travel insurance broker or company like columbus travel insurance company and prudential travel insurance company.

Your travel insurance for backpackers should provide cover for at least the following necessities: emergency medical coverage, repatriation in the case of serious illness or trauma, personal liability to cover you for any harm you inflict on another person, trip delays or cancellations, baggage cover, loss of personal money and loss of tickets.

Before signing up for new travel insurance for backpackers’ policy, however, you should check whether you are already covered. You may have bought a homeowners’ insurance policy that provides protection on your possessions when overseas, and there are private healthcare plans that cover for foreign travel. In such cases, you can limit your travel insurance for backpackers only to options that you need.

Do make sure about medical insurance. You should not ignore this issue as the costs of medical care abroad can cripple you, financially. Check for emergency contact numbers and details of how benefits will be paid if you undergo treatment.

Before purchasing your policy, you should compare a few quotes to ensure that you are getting the best deal.

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