2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Anxiety is a normal experience. You feel it before an exam or an interview. You worry after you lose your job and when you’re sick. Yet, prolonged anxiety with levels that are already out of proportion may be hinting on anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder is the most common type of mental illness in the U.S. with millions of people being affected every year. While it takes many forms, one of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorders is a constant, unrelenting and all-consuming anxiety without due cause.

Anxiety that causes self-imposed isolation and/or emotional withdrawal, and too much worrying to the point of already interfering with normal activities are also symptoms of anxiety disorders. There are times however when too much anxiety may actually be one of the symptoms of depression.

There are several types of anxiety disorder. Among these are reaction disorders, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Reaction disorders may occur as acute stress reaction due to an unexpected life crisis such as bereavement, or as adjustment reaction to a stressful situation like divorce. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), on the other hand, normally occurs after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event like a major accident.

While it is normal to experience fear when real danger is present, phobia is a fear that is out of proportion to the actual situation. Among the many types of phobia, social phobia is one of the most common. Worrying too much about what others think of them, as well as severe anxiety about making a speech or performing in public are among the symptoms of social anxiety.

OCD involves recurring obsessions and/or compulsions. Obsessions entail recurring thoughts that cause feelings of disgust. These usually include dirt, germs, or violence. In the meantime, compulsion is a response that is repeatedly done to ease the anxiety of the obsession.

Panic disorder is characterized by panic attacks. Anxiety attack symptoms include a sudden sense of anxiety that happens without warning and for no apparent reason. The symptoms can be very severe and last 5 to 10 minutes.

GAD on the other hand is a long-term disorder where you experience anxiety most of the time that something might go wrong. It is very seldom for GAD to occur alone and is often accompanied by depression symptoms, substance abuse, or another anxiety disorder.

It may be difficult to diagnose if what you’re experiencing are actual symptoms of anxiety disorders or just a simple case of anxiety. If you’re level of worrying persists for a longer period than what is normal however, it may be wise for you to consult a doctor who can help you get your mind off things.

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