Hypertension Medicines

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Hypertension is mainly caused by increased cholesterol levels found in a person’s body. There are other factors that contribute to different types of hypertension including primary hypertension. These include stress, excessive smoking, infrequent exercise, kidney failure, consumption of foods rich in fat and salt and being overweight. Lowering your salt and fat intake, exercising, losing wieght and performing activities such as yoga to reduce stress can control hypertension.

Taking a number of different types of hypertension medicines also relieves hypertension. Diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotension-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and calcium channel blockers are some of the hypertension medicines that can be consumed.

Diuretics taken in small doses can relax swollen blood arteries; however, this type of hypertension medication causes frequent urination. The urine allows salt that is consumed and excess water from the body to be extracted causing the relaxation of your arteries. Potassium tablets are often prescribed to accompany this type of hypertension medication.

Beta-blockers control the brain signals that are sent to your heart, making blood flow more slowly, thereby controlling hypertension. This type of hypertension medication is not prescribed to individuals who suffer from diabetes.

Angiotension-converting enzyme inhibitors control the body’s enzymes by repressing the functions of your body’s enzymes that cause your arteries to swell. Some versions of these hypertension medicines however cause you to lose your sense of taste. A sudden urge to drink a lot of water is also often felt after the intake of this hypertension medication.

Calcium channel blockers control the flow of calcium in your body, which slows down your heart rate and blood flow.

A number of other hypertension medications are available in the market. There are Chinese herbal medicines and natural techniques that can be used to treat hypertension.

Hypertension medicines should only be taken under the doctor’s supervision, advice and in recommended doses.

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