Getting To Know Your California Process Server

2007-03-22 16:46:53

( Education )

Process servers are people whose job it is to deliver documents, most of which are for legal purposes. In california process server companies are responsible for securing and delivering documents like complaints, writs, summons and subpoenas. Again in california process server companies hire process server individuals who knows the procedures and the rules well. A california process server is equipped with legal and logistical knowledge in doing this kind of job.

However, in california process server duties may be performed by an individuals who do not have a network of process servers. A private process server or a legal process server may operate independently and free of a big california process server company. Of course, in arizona process server duties may also be carried out by companies as well as individuals.

A process server is tasked with delivering documents within a state or even all over the country. A process server follows certain specifications in delivering legal documents that may be imposed by different states and counties. Even some process servers like california process server and arizona process server who are based and whose operations are focused on a certain area or state may serve documents beyond the company’s geographical area of responsibility. However, rules and limitations that are imposed on destination areas should be observed by the process server.

In some states, process servers are required to be sheriffs and constables. In some states any citizen of legal age could deliver legal documents. A california process server should be well versed with these rules and regulations to become efficient in this job. A minor mistake in following a certain rule could means losing business and may even result in obstruction of justice. Because of this, most process server companies and institutions require their employees to be well versed in the law.

A california process server is chosen to deliver documents mainly because of two reason. First reason is the speed of delivery. Process servers are usually faster than any delivery services existing. The second reason is the usefulness of a process server in court proceedings. There are cases when he process server’s testimony is required. This does not make a process serve efficient as delivery personnel but as legal tools as well.

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