2007-03-28 16:27:23

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Most people with cases of Cerebral Palsey are born with it. The disorder affects the neurological functions of the brain that control muscle movements and coordination. It is also associated with epilepsy and abnormalities in speech, vision, and intellect.

The disease is often congenital and usually appears in infancy or early childhood, with most symptoms appearing before a child reaches three years of age. While the disease is permanent, it is also non-progressive.

The cause of Cerabal Palsey is unknown, although premature babies have been found to be more prone to the disease. Small babies who do not cry in the first 5 minutes or have to be on a ventilator for more than 4 weeks are also more likely to have Cerabal Palsey.

Also, infants with malformations in their heart, kidneys, or spine tend to have malformations in the brain thereby increasing their chances of developing Cerabal Palsey. Seizures in a newborn can also lead to the development of the disease.

Studies do not find pregnancy, delivery, and infancy to have any connection with a child developing Cerebral Palsey. In fact, there are an equal number of children afflicted with the disease both in the undeveloped and developed countries.

While there is no known cure for Cerebal Palsey, proper management and treatment can improve the capabilities of the child. Many children with Cerebral Palsey are able to lead almost normal adult lives provided that they get treatment as early as possible.

Children with severe Cerable Palsey may require extensive and lifelong care while those with mild cases may require no special assistance.

Treatments for Cerbral Palsey include physical, occupational, and speech therapies. Drugs and medications are also administered to control seizures, alleviate pain, and relax muscle spasms. Anatomical abnormalities and tight muscles can also be corrected through surgery, braces, wheelchairs, rolling walkers, and other corrective devices. Computers with voice synthesizers are also available as communication aids.

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