DREAM ON FUTON: An Evolution From Traditional To Modern

2007-03-28 16:27:23

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The word futon literally stands for the Japanese traditional bed, which consists of three parts – the shikibuton or the bed, kakebuton or comforter, and the makura or the pillow. It is the shikibuton that was brought to the US during 1960s that molded the modern futon as we know it today.

While the traditional Japanese futon is only three inches thick, modern American futons like dream on futons and fantasy futons offer mattresses as thick as eight inches. Futon mattresses also evolved from the all-cotton traditional kind to the modern foam-and-cotton futon. Some dream on futons combine wool with the foam and cotton mattress fill.

Futons, especially organic futons are a healthier alternative to beds that are made of synthetic fibers. Organic futons release no chemicals during your sleep and the fibers are cooler to let your skin breathe naturally while you’re resting.

Other futon parts were also developed turning the once simple Japanese bed into a sofa-bed that can be used as a couch during the day and a sleeping mattress at night. Turning traditional futons to sofa-beds made futons space-savers the same way that Japanese futons save space by being folded and stored in cabinets when not in use.

Dream on futons and fantasy futons can come with different styles of futon frames. Other accessories for futons can include drawers underneath the bed frame, covers, and pillows. There are several types of fabric for futon covers you can choose from. In cases of repair, futon hardware parts like glides, rollers, nuts, and bolts are easily available.

Contrary to common misconception, futons are created for people who prefer a simpler way of living and are not necessarily a cheaper alternative to conventional beds. In fact, some types of futons can cost almost as much as the conventional bed. More expensive futons however are manufactured with durability in mind and are worth the price. Expensive futons may also come with other features that are not available with cheaper ones.

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