How to Patent My Invention

2007-04-17 10:41:55

( Legal )

Obtaining a patent gives you exclusive property rights to your unique discoveries or inventions for a certain length of time. This means that other people are prevented from making, selling or importing your inventions for the time that the patent is valid.

To patent my invention, the first thing to do is make sure that the invention is original. There are professional patent search companies that can be employed to help. There are also basic patent searches on the Internet.

If no other patent is similar to mine, then I can now apply to patent my invention. A patent application should be filed at the patent office. It can either be for a national, regional or international patent, depending on which countries are included.

A patent application should include the title and a detailed description of your invention, also known as the specification, which may include figures depicting how you can make the invention and how it works. The application also includes claims, which covers the boundaries of your invention and the range of protection your patent offers. Once you have submitted your application, you are not allowed to edit it anymore.

Patent applications are usually complicated. You can have a patent lawyer assist you or take advantage of packaged patent solutions online to help you with acquiring a patent.

After you file an application, your patent office will perform a search and examination. A search determines if there are similar patents that may be relevant to your application, while an examination checks if your application has fulfilled patent requirements, including patent laws.

Once I am able to patent my invention, I will be required to regularly pay a maintenance fee to keep the patent valid. Getting a patent insurance is also an option, in case of any lawsuits.

After you obtain a patent, you can now start promoting your invention!

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