Bartenders Academy

2007-04-17 10:41:55

( Education )

A bartender is a person mixing and serving alcoholic beverages behind a bar in pubs or other establishments. Bartenders also check the identification of customers to ensure that they are of legal drinking age, and may also serve food and collect payment from customers afterwards. Bartending is usually a temporary job.

Some states require bartenders to acquire certification before they can be employed; however, majority of the states do not require formal certification and only require you to have attended alcohol server training programs.

There are numerous bartender schools, typically run by former bartenders themselves, that are able to provide bartending certification. The state’s department of education for bartending or mixology licenses certain bartending academies. Other places are licensed by consumer affairs or food and restaurant boards; however, these are not as credible as a bartenders academy with a state license. You may also want to check if the bartenders academy you’re interested in is a member or a bartending association.

In a bartending course, you are taught how to mix special drinks, how to use bartending equipment, including automatic mixers, and how to garnish and serve the beverages. Some of these schools even help you find a bartending job after you finish the course. You receive the diploma or certificate at the end of the course.

There are also online bartender schools that you can enrol into. Typically, online bartending schools cost less than traditional schools, and some even offer more recent material. You are taught using instructional videos and interactive media. However, an online bartenders academy usually cannot help you when looking for a job.

Most states only require an alcohol awareness training program, which is a seminar that typically takes a few hours to finish. This is needed to enable you to recognize customers who are or will potentially be intoxicated. These programs are also available online.

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