Quick Reference

2007-04-27 07:29:02

( Financial )

Times are fast changing. People want all kinds of information served as quickly as possible. That is where a quick reference guide comes in. A quick reference guide provides information right at the very fingertips of information seekers.

Long gone were the days when people have to manually sift through the card catalogue just to look for a particular book of interest. Your quick reference will do that for you. Just type a keyword related to what you are looking for and the computer will search its database for all books with the keyword you typed. That explains why people say that everything is available right at your fingertips.

This is also true for other quick reference guides like excel quick reference, word quick reference, or java quick reference.

If you want to learn how to operate a certain software program, just refer to a quick reference guide online and you will soon be ready to operate the software. If you want to look for the meaning of a word, just type the word in the computer and the quick reference guide will provide the meaning or synonym of the word you are looking for.

Some people are so burdened with too much work that they do not have time
to do other things anymore. They just resort to a quick reference guide if they want to find the location of the nearest restaurant in a specific city or state, to know the movies being shown in a specific movie theater, to track the latest foreign exchange rate, to hear the most recent news, etc.

Every bit of information is processed and served as quickly as possible and without too much hassle. Time is essential and can not be replaced. And, a quick reference guide makes life easier for people who value time more than anything else.

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