Obsolete Electronic Components

2007-04-27 07:29:02

( Technology )

Surplus or obsolete electronic components are proliferating everywhere. They are being sold at electronic components shops and by electronic components distributor.

Actually, surplus electronic components and obsolete electronic components are not faulty, malfunctioning or flawed. Some are just phased out due to the onslaught of new and better electronic components.

If you want to buy electronic components and want to save some money, these obsolete electronic components, when chosen carefully, can turn out to be really good buys. How can this be a profitable business venture for retailers?

Starting from the factory, electronic components are mass produced. If the electronic components do not live up to the expectation of a large scale market, they are sold to surplus retailers. If the electronic components are given improvements or revisions, the old ones become obsolete electronic components and are sold to surplus shops too.

If the manufacturer goes bankrupt, these obsolete electronic components are sold to surplus shops as well.

Manufacturers are not the only sellers of obsolete electronic components, government agencies are also sellers. Because of budget constraints in some government agencies, the use of these electronic components are maximized and therefore become obsolete electronic components if ever a bigger fund is acquired.

Hence, surplus shops get a good deal by acquiring these obsolete electronic components at very low prices and they get to sell them with profit.

There are times when these obsolete electronic components are assembled with new, cheaper and equally effective electronic components. Hence, they become new assemblies and are sold cheaply.

There are times too when the manufacturers themselves reassemble the electronic components and resell them to surplus shops. This occurs when the electronic components are defective and are sent back for repair. After repair, these electronic components become refurbished.

Thus, whether you purchase surplus, refurbished or obsolete electronic components, you will still get value for money.

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