2007-05-02 10:04:19

( Hobbies )

Kitchens require better ventilation due to the indoor smoke it handles when cooking food. Thus, you must install kitchen exhaust fans to ventilate the air inside your kitchen. Indoor kitchen smoke is airborne pollutants that will eventually create unfavorable odor inside your kitchen if it is not suck out by kitchen exhaust fans.

Kitchen exhaust fans must be able to replace the air exhausted to bring in fresh air to your kitchen. This is important particularly if you live in an air tight area. Proper ventilation system must allow for proper air replacement such that kitchen exhaust fans will replace the difference in air pressure for a cleaner and safer air source. Ineffective kitchen fans might generate replacement air from polluted source causing diseases to you and your family members.

Kitchen exhaust fans must suck out air safely to avoid fire. Proper planning in its installation is necessary to ensure that the air released goes to a safer environment avoiding fire. Kitchen fans must be directly exhaust air outside your house and not into other parts of the house that are fire hazard.

Important Notes on Installation

Metal ductwork in kitchen exhaust fans is better in properly releasing indoor air. The proper size and quality of ductwork is important to ensure that your kitchen exhaust fan works at its optimum.

You must carefully read the instructions of manufacturers in installing kitchen exhaust fans. Installing it right is necessary to make it function well. Use the recommended ductwork to ensure proper static pressure the exhaust fan. Static pressure measures the power of exhaust fan. Thus, you must not mix and match ductwork sizes.

Exhaust fans should be necessary inclusions in planning and design of homes. Proper ventilation is important to the overall cleanliness and safety of air circulating in your homes particularly in kitchens where handling of food is prepared.

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