Range Hood Vent Keeps Kitchen Fume-Free

2007-05-02 10:04:19

( Automobiles )

Good ventilation makes a healthy kitchen. When you cook food or bake cakes and pastries, moisture, grease and fumes are introduced into the air. Without proper kitchen ventilation, odors and grease will stick to the cabinets, curtains and other exposed items. Installing good range hood ventilation will help reduce and even prevent the accumulation of molds and harmful combustion gases.

Range hoods can be installed directly over cooktops and stoves. Or, you can choose the downdraft and side-draft range hood vents that you can install near a counter to remove nearby fumes. If you have island and peninsula rangers, the chimney-type range hood vents may be appropriate. The important thing that you should remember when installing a range hood vent is to mount the type of unit that will convey gases and fumes outside in the quickest run possible.

Like fume hoods, range hoods come in different prices. You may find low-powered and inexpensive range hood vents; you can also purchase custom-designed and expensive units. You should remember that cubic feet per minute (cfm) size of a range hood vent should be adequate to the size of your burner. The bigger the hoods, the noisier they are. If this is the case, you may not be able to hear a conversation near the vent because of the noise.

It is ideal to install a range hood that is slightly wider than your range. At any rate, you should always follow the height for mounting the range hood vent that the manufacturer suggests. To get the value of your money when buying a range hood vent, you should purchase a unit with a good quality, washable filter. Filters can either be made of aluminum mesh or stainless steel. Get one that you can toss into the dishwasher to spare you from the unpleasant task of cleaning a very greasy filter.

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