American Singles Golf

2007-03-08 10:33:40

( Dating )

American Singles Golf is an association formed by singles who are avid enthusiasts of the game of golf. It’s a social group that aims to pool people who are single and who love to play golf, thereby establishing a fellowship among them. If you’re an American single, you can definitely try it out and see for yourself.

To some, American Singles Golf is a social group that can help you meet fellow singles who live around your area and share your interests. For some, it may seem as a group that can provide first-hand advices on how to improve your performance in the sport. There are others who tend to mix both, making American Singles Golf a social network where you can meet singles and learn how to play golf better.

American Singles Golf actually has certain parameters when you join. You have to be officially single to be a part of the group. By this, they require you to be never married, legally divorced, widowed, annulled, and currently unattached with someone else. You’ll have to pay a one-time premium fee upon registration.

American Singles Golf offers you a complete package when you join. You’ll be regularly notified of local meetings I your area, usually held in bars, pubs, and restaurants every third week of the month. All of the cell groups of American Singles Golf Association, amounting to over 50 groups, arrange meetings where they invite spokespersons to share their knowledge about playing golf efficiently. On your regular meetings you are also encouraged to tag along a friend who is single. Aside from that, these groups of singles in America hold regular golf games among each other, allowing them to harness their skills and apply what hey have learned from the spokespeople. Once you have known the other members well, you can even arrange your own golf meet-ups personally, making your experience more intimate and more private.

American Singles Golf has been very popular in the USA, and more and more people are joining this group. It’s a mixture of American singles dating service and sports clinic. In fact, the number of women who have registered is closely equalizing the number of male members.

American Singles Golf is a great way to meet people who share your same interest. You can also benefit from the experience that they share to you, especially if you are a beginner. Whether you perceive this group of singles in America as a social network or as a sports advisor, American Singles Golf will definitely bring you close to a lot of people who share your interests.

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