Sex of your Baby: A Pleasant Surprise

2007-05-02 10:04:19

( Family )


To most parents, the sex of your baby does not really matter. Choosing the sex of your baby is not as important as ensuring that the baby is healthy and will be properly taken cared of. If you are a parent to be, the sex of your baby is part of the thrill of becoming a new parent.

However, there are some instances where the sex of your baby can become an issue, especially if you have had children of the same sex. For those who have girls, it is only natural to want a boy next time and vice versa. In these cases, the sex of your baby can be planned, but only to a certain level of certainty.

There is still no exact science that can determine the sex of your baby. Most programs that allow you to choose the sex of your baby only allow you to increase the chances of conceiving a baby with the sex of your choice. Either way, only the possibility is increased, but there is never a guarantee. You can choose to avail of these programs and follow them, but you should still be prepared if the sex of your baby is not what you have planned for.


No matter what, the sex of your baby should always be a pleasant surprise. It should be looked at as one of life’s gifts that we have no control over, and as such, we must accept with open and grateful hearts.

Whatever the gender of your baby is, he or she should be treated with tender loving care. No distinction should be made either way. Your baby has the right to be loved no matter what the sex of your baby is. You are responsible for the life that you created and you should never lose sight of that ever.

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