Criminal Justice Lawyer- His Four Goals

2007-05-10 15:44:52

( Legal )

When the term criminal justice is used, it refers to how laws are applied about the actions of criminals. This broad study may be undertaken by law enforcement officials, lawyers and even scholars who may engage in research regarding policy making. Criminal justice includes the entire process of a individual being accused of a crime, being arrested and brought to court. It also includes the prosecution of the criminal, the adaptation of the law to specific situations and the entire term of imprisonment or capital punishment that he or she goes through.

A criminal justice lawyer always works in accordance with a purpose in mind. It is always for the aim of social order within a society while remaining fair and equal for all citizens, regardless of their age, race, gender, economic background or nationality. In a broader sense, there are four main goals for criminal justice.

First, a criminal defense lawyer looks for retribution, the idea that the criminal should be punished for his or her actions which impinged upon the rights of others. Second, a criminal justice lawyer is necessary because his or her work brings about deterrence. It not only prevents the criminal from doing the crime again but it also discourages other private citizens from attempting the same act and thinking they can get away with it.

Third, criminal justice is also for incapacitation. While most people see the prison system as a waste of state money, it is necessary to keep the unpleasant elements of society away from the rest. This is where the jail sentencing comes into the picture.

Fourth and most importantly, the goal of a criminal justice lawyer is restitution, a way of making amends for the victim and trying to repair the damage that has been caused, no matter how difficult and how hopeless it may seem at first.

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