Projector Bulbs and a Brighter Presentation

2007-07-18 16:23:30

( Technology )

Making an effective presentation nowadays requires more than just a set of facts and a command of presentation making software. It requires good equipment because, after all, a grand, techno-savvy presentation will be for nothing if your projector conks out in the middle of your speech.

There are three main kinds of projectors, which run on their own kinds of bulbs. Maintaining these projector bulbs and keeping them running are key to making your presentations work one hundred percent of the time.

Slide Projector Bulbs

If you wish to make a presentation with a slide projector, you will have to transfer each presentation slide to a hard copy slide, which is simply a small, film version of what you have on your computer. These slides are manufactured by some photograph developers. To use them, the slides are placed, in sequence, into a slide projector.

Although slide projectors are hardly used nowadays, they still have to be maintained with proper slide projector bulbs. Such projector bulbs can last for fifty to one hundred and fifty hours, and run at one hundred fifty to four hundred watts. If your slides start to appear darker when projected, then the slide projector bulb has to be cleaned or replaced. Projector bulbs which stay in the projector for too long without being replaced can eat up more electricity, convert it into heat, and thus damage the slide projector itself.

Overhead Projector Bulb

If you wish to make a presentation with an overhead projector, you will have to transfer each presentation slide to a transparency, or sheet of special plastic. Transparencies can be printed on special printers. To use transparencies, you will have to flash each slide yourself by taking out a transparency and putting a new one onto the overhead projector.

Like slide projectors, overhead projectors are hardly used. They run on a larger, brighter overhead projector bulb, which is expensive to replace, but which runs for a long time. If the light of your projector is beginning to turn yellow, then it may have to be replaced.

LCD Projector Bulbs

If you wish to do away with developing slides or printing transparencies, then switch to an LCD (liquid crystal display) presentation, where all you need to do is hook your projector to your computer and flash the slides away. This is by far the most common method of presentation nowadays, and the LCD projector bulbs the most expensive as well.

Some LCD projectors have two projector bulbs and an automatic switching mechanism. That is, if one bulb goes out, another bulb switches on to take its place. Such projector bulbs can run anywhere from two thousand to five thousand hours.

Whatever the case, make sure you have good equipment running before making your presentation. When in doubt, it wouldn’t hurt to carry a replacement bulb with you.

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