The Sedation Dentist: Painless Relaxation Expert

2007-07-18 16:23:30

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

No matter how brave or excited you are, you have to admit: a little part of you dreads the next visit to the dentist. There are drills and saws to be reckoned with, blood to be swallowed, and pain to be had before, during, and after the operation.

With advances in science, however, you can go to the dentist without fear, have your operation without pain, and leave for home without remembering a thing! All this, thanks to the miracle of dental sedation.

A sedation dentist may either keep you awake and responsive, or put you to sleep. In either case, the dreaded dental drills and saws won’t bother you any longer.

Conscious sedation relaxes you, but keeps you awake so that you can respond to any instructions the dentist might give. You will be a little drowsy and weak, but you can breathe on your own. Depending on the way you are sedated, you may or may not remember the operation.

Deep Conscious Sedation

In deep conscious, or iv sedation, oral surgeons or dentists with specialized training will administer a sedative directly through your bloodstream. The sedation dentist may give you this if you are very anxious about the operation.

The sedatives associated with iv sedation are also very strong: they can put you to sleep during a dental procedure, and you may not even remember any details about the operation.

Sedation Dentistry

If you are not comfortable with needles, then taking a sedative pill an hour before the operation might be good for you. Sometimes referred to as “sedation dentistry,” this technique is weaker than iv sedation, but may actually put you to sleep, and even make you forget that an operation ever happened.

This technique is safe, cheap, and will work well for most people, but you may have to ask someone to take you to and from your dentist’s office.

Inhalation Sedation

If your sedation dentist recommends a nitrous oxide/oxygen mix, or laughing gas, then you will undergo inhalation sedation. This common method is quick acting but mild: you may fall asleep during the procedure, but you may still remember what happened during the operation. You can also return to normal activities immediately. If you have respiratory problems however, this type of sedation is not for you.

Sedation by your dentist may allow you to have your teeth fixed, and your smile made bright – all without the fear and anxiety that a dental appointment can bring. Ask your dentist about sedation, and make the choice that will best fit your needs.

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