How to Construct and Use an Employee Time Sheet

2007-07-24 08:31:47

( Computers )

Uses of an Employee Time Sheet

An employee time sheet is a specific type of control report which keeps track of an employee's daily time ins and outs. One employee time sheet per employee is maintained for one entire pay period of one or two weeks. Information on employee time sheets serve as basis for payroll purposes.

An employee time sheet also reveals individual attendance patterns or deviations. Thus it can provide a sound basis for evaluating the employee's level of discipline and adherence to company attendance policies. The time sheet is an official company document, therefore your employee can be held liable for misusing or falsifying it.

Constructing and Using an Employee Time Sheet

With today's modern office software, constructing and using an employee time sheet is quite simple. You can easily prepare and print the time sheets from Excel or other spreadsheet programs. You can program the spreadsheet to calculate the data inputs automatically, by placing formulas within specific cells.

Your employee can write or log in his daily entry and exit times. Once a full pay period has been completed, you can transfer the information from the hard copy onto the Excel spreadsheet. You can even provide macros into the cells to automatically send the totals to another spreadsheet or database to generate summaries of your employee's attendance.

New Alternatives in Maintaining Employee Time Sheets

Constructing your own employee time sheets is rather simple, but there are also security risks as these may be accessed by the wrong parties. To resolve this, there are now online sites where you can safely store employee attendance information without fear of compromising the confidentiality of your company records.

New electronic devices such as laser powered time recorders can capture magnetic data from your employee's ID card as he enters or exits the office premises. The information is then sent to your attendance records database automatically. Exact work times are computed by an electronic time sheet calculator for faster and more accurate processing.

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