Low Income Medical Insurance - Health Care Within Reach

2007-07-24 08:31:47

( Financial )

Standard Health Care Plans - Not for the Low Income Earner

If you are a middle or high income earner, buying medical insurance should not be a problem for you. In most cases, your employer would have subsidized half of the monthly premiums and then deduct the remaining payable balance from your monthly salary.

However, not all individuals can earn salaries that will adequately cover a standard health care plan. A low income earner may either be a part-timer, sole breadwinner of the household, or someone who works at home with no benefits. As a low income earner, you won't be able to afford standard health care plans offered by various private insurance companies. This could compromise your own wellness and that of your family members.

Government-sponsored Low Income Insurance Plans and Programs

Some states offer basic health plans for the low income earner. They observe strict guidelines with regard to your income level and family size. You are eligible if you meet the criteria, but your eligibility will be reviewed periodically. You may also have to wait a few months before you can get the plan because of its very limited slots.

The Medicaid program is a low income medical insurance which offers free health care services if you're a low income earner with at least one dependent. You need to meet certain eligibility requirements.

You can go to local community clinics to get free medical services, but these places are usually very crowded and have long waiting lines.

Low Income Medical Insurance Offered by Private Companies

Some private health insurance companies now offer low income medical insurance packages for Medicaid-eligible people who want to augment their health care benefits. These private low income medical insurance programs come in handy if you're unable to go to a community clinic, or for emergency cases.

However, these private low income medical insurance plans offer only limited services, and are specifically for illness and emergency situations only. In some cases, you may be allowed to receive preventive care for a limited number of visits only. You may also need to shoulder a part of the costs of consultation or treatment. Most of these low income medical insurance plans are good for only twelve months, and they don't accept any preexisting medical conditions.

You can access health care insurance websites to see if they offer this type of plan. Some sites have built-in calculators to let you verify your eligibility.

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