2007-09-10 16:24:34

( Insurance )


Having insurance is having a weapon to combat any form of contingency. It is a weapon where one can have a peace of mind even when untoward incidents happen. The most important form of insurance one can have is general life insurance. A general life insurance is a form of insurance that covers your personal, retirement or health insurance policies. General life is the most basic and the most important form of insurance policy you can ever have.

Insurance is a form of investment where a pool of fund is created for the investors in the event that a contingency occurs. The fund an investor may avail of in the event of a contingency depends on what type of insurance he gets. Insurance policies are of two types, the general life and general insurance. General life is a type of insurance policy that covers personal insurances such as retirement insurance, health insurance, etc. Life insurance general has two kinds: term insurance which is an insurance coverage for a certain period such as 10 years; the other kind of insurance is permanent insurance that gives coverage for a hundred years.


Different insurance companies have different insurance packages so that it is important to consult with a financial adviser. As you age and as your circumstances change, your insurance needs will also differ. Because of this, it is important to analyze your insurance investment every five years.

Insurance is a form of investment. A general life insurance is a personal insurance that covers risks and manages your contingencies using the pool of fund that several people contribute. A large number of investors is an indication of a good insurance company because it may help the company pay off any claims. In addition to the pool of fund from different contributors, the insurance company also invests your contributions to varied investment activities to grow the money.

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