Florence Italy Museums

2007-09-25 14:12:16

( Arts )

As there are more than fifty art venues, with each offering a different aura and collection, it’s difficult not to devote time exploring around museums in Florence. If you got limited time however, you have to make the most out of your vacation by knowing where and how to spend your time.

Florence Italy museums vary in space and collection. The huge and popular ones such as The Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia are definitely must-sees. Their halls house famous opuses from masters Michelangelo Buonarotti, Leonardo Da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli and other world-renown artists. But there are also notable smaller museums that contain impressive Renaissance and Medieval artworks. Some of these are the Bargello that houses Donatello’s David, the Argenti where you can find the Medici collection, and the Duomo where Michelangelo’s second Pieta dwells. With all these pieces of art and history, it’s easy to get stuck in one place and miss other worthy venues.

The best way to get started is to plan your trip ahead. You can browse the internet to take a look at what these Florence Italy museums can offer. If you’re drawn to the works of Michelangelo, for example, you may wish to narrow your list to Florence museums that feature his pieces. Take note that the more famous a museum is, the lengthier the lines. To avoid spending most of your time buying tickets, you may try reserving it online. It usually comes with an extra fee but it’s worth it when time is of essence to you.

Should you wish to see several Florence Italy museums, you can check out the Florence Province Tourist Office to get a special ticket that allows entrance to many museums at a discounted price. Guided tours are also recommended to appreciate the artworks well. You may want to book ahead if you prefer an English-speaking guide since docents at most museums usually conduct their tours in Italian or German.

These are just some tips to get the most out of your Florence Italy museums. There will always be more to see about this city which makes another trip inevitable.

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