Chase Cash Plus Rewards Visa Card

2007-10-15 12:53:47

( Financial )

The Chase Cash Plus Rewards Visa is a credit card that you can use to make purchases on credit. It also gives you rewards in cash or points, plus other attractive features.

Rebates and Reward Points

The Chase Cash Plus Rewards Visa card gives you rebates for each purchase you make. The rebate can be as high as five percent of the value of items you buy from groceries, fuel stations or pharmacies, or one percent for all other kinds of items. This is superior compared to the usual two to three percent rebate scheme that competing credit card companies offer.

You can earn rebates up to three hundred dollars a year. You can also choose to accumulate all your rebate points and convert them to gift certificates instead.

Preferential Fees and Rates

Aside from rebates, you also save with Chase Cash Plus Rewards because it does not charge you any annual fee.

Chase Cash Plus Rewards card also charges no APR for the first twelve months of any balance transfer, but you need to pay the balance transfer fee. After the interest-free period, you pay APR based on prime rate plus five to ten percent.

Discontinuance of Chase Cash Plus Rewards Visa Card

Unfortunately, the Chase Cash Plus Rewards card has been discontinued since 2006. In lieu of Chase Cash Plus Rewards, the company offers other variants that have similar features.

While these other variants offer only up to three percent rebates, they provide other features and benefits that are not available in the Chase Cash Plus Rewards card. Just like the Chase Cash Plus Rewards card, these other variants don't charge annual fees as well, and also offer free or initially low APR.
You can also get special discounts when you make purchases at participating establishments. Other variants give you bonus points when you first get the card, as well as triple points for your purchases.

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