Some Highlights of Arizona Family Law

2007-10-15 12:53:47

( Legal )

The state of Arizona regards the family as an important basic institution of society, and therefore has some tough laws about marriage dissolution, child custody and support and rights of parents and other family members. Arizona family laws are designed to protect the victims of family problems, specifically minor children.

Marriage Dissolution

Under Arizona family law, the divorce process begins with one parent filing a divorce or marriage dissolution petition in court. The court tries to encourage you to reconsider your plea for divorce by ordering hearings where factors for possible reconciliation can be discussed. The court also assigns family counselors and professionals to help you resolve issues between yourself and your spouse. If no reconciliation is possible, then you may continue with the divorce process.

Arizona family law follows the principle of community property. In short, all properties and debts that you or your spouse possess before the divorce will be equally divided between the two of you.

Child Custody and Support

When your minor children are involved in a divorce, the court requires each of you to attend seminars focusing on the financial and psychological impact that the divorce will have on you and your children.

The court also determines the amount of child support for the children, and bases this amount on you and your spouse's combined incomes. The court will also send a payment order to your employers instructing them where to forward your paycheck deductions for child support. Whoever is the custodial parent between you will in turn receive the proceeds through the court's support payment clearing house. You could incur severe penalties if you fail to make the monthly child support payments, such as bank account seizures, adverse credit reporting, and passport denial.

Domestic Violence

If any form of physical or verbal abuse exists in your household, you have the right under Arizona family law to seek court protection. Even a threat of harm is considered an act of violence.

The court will issue an order of protection or legal restraint to the offending party. Such order may involve removal of a deadly weapon or of the offending party from your home. Refusal or failure to comply with the order can result in more severe penalties.

Paternity and Maternity Laws

Under Arizona family laws, every child has the right to know who his parents are and to demand their support. You or your spouse can initiate paternity action before your child reaches 18 years of age.

How to Find Lawyers in Arizona

The best people to handle Arizona family law matters would be the lawyers who specialize in civil law cases in the state. You can also locate competent Arizona lawyers through the state bar or the internet.

You can also ask trusted individuals for good references about lawyers in Arizona who will be most competent to handle your case.

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