Permit Test Preparation

2007-10-15 12:53:47

( Technology )

Why Take a Permit Test

Before you can drive a car in any part of this country, you need to complete certain requirements first. Just as you take an exam prescribed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service to apply for citizenship, you also need to take a permit test and a practical driving test given by the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain your driver's license.

Initially, you need to take and pass a permit test at the Department of Motor Vehicles so that you can get a learner's permit to take up driving lessons. You then take driving lessons either at accredited driving schools or with a licensed driver such as a parent or relative. You will have to undergo a practical driving test in which you will demonstrate your driving skills to a DMV proctor. He will assess your skills and determine if you deserve to get a driver's license.

The permit test that you take before getting a learner's permit is thus the crucial first step to earning your driver's license. The permit consists of 20 multiple choice questions about some general traffic rules and driving principles. Most states require that you score at least 15 points or more, otherwise you will need to come back another time to take the permit test again.

How to Prepare for the Permit Test

You can get a review manual from your local DMV office. The manual contains all the basic driving theories, traffic rules and road signs that you need to know prior to taking the permit test. You can also get practice test samples so that you will have a general idea of what type of questions will be asked in the permit test.

Fortunately, there are also various online sites that can help you prepare for the permit test. These sites let you take interactive practice tests for free, wherein you will immediately know the correct answers and your score. You can choose to take the same test again to help yourself retain the right concepts, or you can try taking another practice test.

Be sure to read the manual thoroughly before you take the practice tests, and review all your mistakes. In the real test, the DMV may throw in a trick question or two, just to test your common sense. You should approach such trick questions with a good sense of logic and instinct, and a mature attitude.

Take the permit test as soon as you have thoroughly reviewed the concepts because this is where you still have the highest retention level and have better scoring chances.

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