Order Manager Software

2007-10-25 12:28:23

( Computers )

What Order Management Involves

Aside from producing and advertising your product, you need to provide an efficient system of distributing it to your customers. You need to implement specific steps to accept orders, prepare goods for shipment, deliver to customers and collect the payment.

If you have only a handful of orders to process, the whole set of procedures may sound simple enough. But with hundreds of orders to process each day, the work becomes more complicated and time-consuming. You will need to automate some of the functions through an order management software.

Doing your business through the net further reiterates the need for an efficient purchase or mail order management system. Most distribution problems in e-commerce come from poor control of orders, mistakes in recording, and improper system of collection.

What Order Manager Software Can Do

An Order Manager program can guide you through the entire distribution process.
The moment your customers place orders through the online shopping cart, the order manager software imports the order data and uses the information to prepare order summaries, packing slips and invoices.

The Order Manager system then automatically sends e-mail to your customers to confirm the orders and to inform them when to expect shipment. The packed items can be scanned as they are being packed for shipment, thus minimizing errors.

Credit or debit card payments can easily be processed through a virtual terminal. The Order Manager has a built-in encryption to assure your customers that their personal data will not be stolen.

The Order Manager can also enter ship dates and tracking numbers in case of sales returns or for preventing misplaced shipments.

More Than Just Order Processing

Online websites that sell the Order Manager also give you technical assistance in whatever problems you may encounter with the system.

If you wish, you can create a security system for your orders too. This will prevent any unauthorized user from gaining access to your order data and manipulate them. You can indicate which of your staff is supposed to handle each part of the ordering procedure. You can activate a password-protect feature as well.

Order Manager also has an added feature of automatically deducting or adding to your inventory levels. Inventory tracking is always on real time basis. The system can remind you when to order and stock up.

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