Domestic Violence Task Force Helps Protect Victims

2007-11-09 05:11:17

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Homes are supposed to be havens of safety. But, if the rising number of domestic violence charges is an indication, some homes have become places of danger for their residents. Families with problems of domestic violence, such as those reported to Colorado domestic violence and Los Angeles domestic violence centers, are generally no longer able to function as the healthy and nurturing fundamental units upon which society is supposed to be built. It is no longer a surprise that crimes, drug and alcohol abuses have been increasing.

Congress has recognized that most of the victims in domestic violence are women; hence, a federal law was passed in 1994 giving women protection against domestic abuses by permitting protection orders to be enforced across state lines. The abuse, however, is not limited to women; children and the elderly have also become victims of such violence. For this reason, counties and cities in almost every part of the country have convened and established their versions of Domestic Violence Task Forces.

A Domestic Violence Task Force is often composed of government groups, court representatives, law enforcement officers, civic organizations, and some private citizens in your community. Some of the Domestic Violence Task Force's goals are to intervene before domestic violence charges are filed in court, and to provide the victim a refuge at a shelter. The task force would also assist victims in seeking domestic violence conviction of, and injunction for protection against, perpetrators. They also provide educational campaign about domestic violence.

Most, if not all, of the Domestic Violence Task Forces provide some safety tips to those who are in abusive relationships. These include keeping an evidence of the physical abuse, planning the safest time and day when you can leave the house, and finding a safe place where you can stay while police have not yet arrested the abuser.

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